PCOS with Metabolic Syndrome & Psychological Distress
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Published: 16 June 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
Objective: to identify and compare the possible relationship between psychological distress among PCOS and associated risk of metabolic syndrome, contributing the mental health”.
Introduction: Psychological correlates of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are the source of profound morbidity and impair health-related quality of life Body images & pathogenesis of PCOS are associated with physical, metabolic and psychological disturbances in young women. 33% of PCOS women suffer from metabolic syndrome (MS), which may results cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer& other morbidities. Depression and anxiety are more in PCOS having MS, but these are often overlooked and undiagnosed. So our study tried to identify the possible relationship between psychological distress among PCOS and associated risk of metabolic syndrome, contributing the psychological disorders.
Method & Material: This prospective cross sectional study was conducted among 120 young PCOS patients who attended the OPD of ZHSWMCH between 1st January 2020 1st June 2020. The diagnosis of PCOS was done according to Rotterdam criteria. Also MS =50 were picked up from them, diagnosed by IDFC. PCOS without metabolic syndrome A=70. All participants completed the 12-item version of General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12), 36-item, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) to measure current mental states.
Results: 38% of PCOS women suffer from psychological disturbances. PCOS with MS had marked incidence of mental distress (80%) According to GHQ-12. PCOS with MS had more mental distress than PCOS with out MS [80%vs 35.7%, p= <.0001 ]. Incidence of Depression {7.1%vs 38%, p=.002], Anxiety [28.6% vs. 56%,p=<.002} and Bipolar [0 vs3%,p=<0.002] were much in PCOS with MS. Again eating disorder {74% vs. 55.7%,p=<0101] was higher in PCOS with MS but was not statistically significant.
Conclusion: Despite its high prevalence, psychological distress among PCOS is a neglected entity; this distress is more evident in PCOS with MS which is undoubtedly stigmatizes and lowers their quality of life. Again Metabolic syndrome in PCOS is associated with long-term complications of CVD, DM and Cancer. So meticulous assessment of metabolic syndrome and mental health is very important for all PCOS women so that we may institute holistic treatment to prevent the devastating consequences.
Keywords: PCOS,metabolic syndrome, depression, anxiety, hyperandrogenism.

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How to Cite
Shaikh Zinnataranasreen, Sabereen Huq. (2020-06-16). "PCOS with Metabolic Syndrome & Psychological Distress." *Volume 3*, 1, 24-31